How to Identify and Control Common Garden Pests Effectively
People find gardening as an interesting pastime activity, though they are faced with many problems occasionally. A common problem that gardeners experience is how to control garden pests. It becomes embarrassing, poor growth, and damage and up to the worst, the weeds eliminate the plants from the garden. Still, there is a way of eradicating these pests and controlling them in such a manner that is safe for you, your family, your garden and the environment. Here, we go further in the exploration of garden pests in Australia, the ways by which they can be recognized, and ways to eliminate them.
How to Identify Garden Pests in Australia?
It remains compulsory for any plant owner to familiarize themselves with the signs of these garden pests. Just try to respond immediately when you realise the appearance of the initial signs of damage and you can avoid a serious infestation. Here are some common signs to look out for:
- Damaged Leaves and Stems
Holes, yellowing or wilting of the leaves may also be a result of infestation and it is so important for one to check on it. Aphids, caterpillars and spider mites are some of the most probable bugs that will cause such kind of impact.
- Sticky Residue or Honeydew
If there is a sticky substance on the leaves, stems or around the base of the plants, it is often a sign that there are Aphids, Mealy bugs or White flies. This honeydew can also lead to the formation of sooty mould which is even destructive to your plants.
- Presence of Pests
Sometimes, the pests are visible to the naked eye very easily. Aphids are typically found in groups while caterpillars make their presence easily felt feeding on plant leaves. Ants are also seen to move around in the garden, especially in the area of the aphids. You should act if you observe that your plants are infested by small and highly active pests.
- Deformed Growth
When your plants are not growing well or have small and curled leaves and or odd colours, then, you might be having pest infestation. Besides, aphids, whiteflies and mealybugs hinder the synthesis of photosynthesis and hence cause the deformation of the newest shoots.
- Visible Webbing
If you observe webbing on plants, especially between the leaves and on their corners, it is most probable that you have a spider mite problem. These small insects create webs to cover themselves while sucking plant sap and their harm is sometimes hardly noticeable until the maturity of the pest problem.
Commonly Found Pests in Australian Gardens
It indicates that due to climatic conditions that range from tropical, Australia offers ideal conditions for pest existence from the temperate region. Whether you live in the humid north or the cooler south, these pests are likely to appear in your garden at some point:
- What they look like: Green fly, a small pear-shaped insect about the size of a pinhead which vibrates its wings with a whirring sound, and much like the green fly in appearance may be pale yellow or blackish-brown.
- Damage: Aphids are plant-sucking insects that cause wilting and yellowing of the leaves, stunted growth and distortion. They also secrete a substance known as honeydew from where fungi such as sooty mould develop.
- How to control: Preventing aphids involves washing them off using a powerful water jet or use of natural enemies such as ladybugs. Insecticidal soap or neem oil has also been known to manage aphids.
- What they look like: Green or brown and may vary in size and have shape and pattern in their wings store. The cocoons of butterflies and moths are found here, these vary in colour and shape but are mostly green or brown, and may have various vivid markings as part of their wings.
- Damage: Caterpillars feed on leaves and flowers leaving behind largish holes. A few species, particularly the Cabbage White Butterfly larvae, can be particularly invasive to the brassicas.
- How to control: Reduce predation of these pests by handpicking the caterpillars off your plants and instead opt for biological control methods such as using the bacterium Bacillus thuringiensis (Bt).
- What they look like: Mite-like forms, about one-quarter of an inch in length and oval, pale grey with threads of white wax enveloping them.
- Damage: Mealybugs are found in the root, stem and leaves of plants and they cause wilting, yellowing and stunted growth. Like aphids, they also produce honeydew.
- How to control: Trim out those parts of the plants that are most affected and spray with a solution of insecticidal soap or neem oil. There are always natural enemies of mealybugs; for instance, ladybugs can act as a natural control for mealybugs.
- What they look like: Small, white, winged insects that flutter up when a plant is disturbed.
- Damage: Whiteflies are phloem feeders that cause depletion of plant vigour, chlorosis of leaves and viral diseases. It also has mould on honeydew.
- How to control: This way, utilize reflective mulches to disorient the whiteflies and make the necessary introductions of beneficial predatory wasps. For adult whiteflies, one can use sticky traps.
Slugs and Snails
- What they look like: Recent development has it that the slug is a slimy creature with little body, but a trail, while the snail has a spiral shell.
- Damage: In particular, both snails and slugs relish tearing on young plant foliage, and often leave behind hole-like structures. Fungi are more active in the dark or under conditions that favour humidity.
- How to control: You can use beer traps, encircle plants with copper strips or you can use iron phosphate-based slug pellets. Selection is also efficient with small gardens Also the selection method is applied in small gardens in the following ways.
Redback Spiders
- What they look like: A black widow spider with a red stripe in the mid-dorsal line.
- Damage: Redback spiders are not plant-aggressive but can be quite destructive in the garden and dangerous for gardeners.
- How to control: Wash and/or check garden space frequently, especially the bottoms of pots and any shaded, protected locales. If you come across a nest, it is advisable to take it down gently, though, these spiders bear venom.
Root Weevil
- What they look like: They are small beetles and occur in dark brown or black colour with a curved back.
- Damage: Its larvae are generally root feeders and the adults infest leaves and cause damage to them. It often leads to wilting and may be lethal if it reaches this stage to plants infected by the insects.
- How to control: Naturally bio-control nematodes (microscopic worms) to infested soil area where the root weevil larvae reside. It’s also possible to uproot some plants especially those that have been affected by the pests and some general cleaning around the compound where the garden is located.
When Should You Call for Garden Pest Control?
With time and effort, one can get rid of pests without hiring a professional, occasionally the problem proves too complex, or the pests are too stubborn, and require the intervention of an expert. Here are a few signs that it’s time to call in the experts:
- Widespread Infestation
If many plants are affected or the damage extends, it is better to use the services of pest control services. An expert is also well-placed to evaluate the situation and come up with the appropriate recommendation.
- Unsuccessful DIY Methods
If the home remedies to eradicate pests do not work or if the pests continue to recur for their next visit, then calling a pest controller is the best option to consider. This makes some pests, such as root aphids or scale insects, hard to control for the homeowner and might need the services of a professional.
- Pests That Keep Returning
If pests reoccur every season then your garden may have compounded infestation that cannot be managed by do-it-yourself techniques. Professional pest control will help in assessing the source of the problem and tell how preventants can be put in place to avoid future occurrences of the same.
DIY Pest Control
Below, you will come across some eco-friendly and environmentally friendly methods of pest control in your garden. Choosing natural ways of protection ensures that your plants do not get damaged by pests while at the same time preventing the destruction of different beneficial insects as well as the ecosystem.
- Companion Planting
Interplanting is a biological technique whereby plants with repelling effects on pests or which attract beneficial insects are placed together. Some crops you can use defensively include; For instance, marigolds which act as aphid-repellent crops, and basil and garlic which act as repellent crops for flying insects such as mosquitoes. Other methods include using an attractant like ladybugs and feather lacewings that can be attracted by plants like dills or fennel.
- Neem Oil
Neem oil is also known as the natural pest control agent that comes from the neem tree. This is used as an insecticide and it irritates their feeding and the reproductive organs of the pests. Neem oil does not have a broad impact on most plants thus the neem oil should be applied directly to the affected area in case of an aphid or whitefly infestation. However, it is advisable to try it on a small portion of the plant first to avoid damaging tender plants by the repellent.
- Insecticidal Soap
Insecticidal soap, other entomopathogenic pest aphids, mealybugs, and spider mites. Biodegradable, non-toxic and safe for people and pets, insecticidal soap is effective only on soft-bodied insects. It functions by restricting the breathing of the pests and thus should be applied directly to the pests.
- Diatomaceous Earth
Diatomaceous earth is a fine-grained powder, which is derived from the silica skeletons of fossilized diatoms a group of water algae. It functions by inflicting injury on the exoskeletons of bugs and subsequently denying them moisture which is fatal to them. Their efficiency instils against a broad pest spectrum that includes ants, slugs together with caterpillars. Use it around the stem of the plant or pour it on the plant’s leaves.
Why You Shouldn't Delay Garden Pest Control?
Failure to tend to garden pests or procrastination will lead to losses of your plants in the garden. If you wait for long, it will be very hard to manage the problem and bring it under check. Some pest species breed very fast and once attacked in your garden, what could have been controlled naturally by use of simple do-it-yourself techniques can quickly escalate into a full-fledged invasion of your garden. Third, with pests, what you have is a much bigger problem as the pests can spread to other areas within the vicinity and may affect your rooms, roofs and kitchens.
Insects and mites are common problems for Australians tending to their gardens, but they do not have to conquer your garden. Through understanding the signs of pest infestation, treating your plant naturally and embracing organic pest control methods, your plants will be healthy and strong. For infestations that are too large to be controlled, there are professional and certified pest control firms that can extend the necessary help for extreme cases of pest problems. All you need is a little effort, and your garden can be a safe place for your flowers and the bees!