How Much Does Termite Treatment Cost?

The average cost for termite treatment is about $575, with the price range between $70 and $1,530 depending upon the service type. So, in general, depending upon the termite problem and necessary action, termite treatment cost varies in the following manner.

How Much Does Termite Treatment Cost?
18 Jan, 2024 / Pest Control / Written by ServiceTasker Team / 313 Views / Last Updated 20 May, 2024

  • Lowest Termite Treatment Cost- Between $70 and $230

  • Average Termite Treatment Cost- About $575

  • Highest Termite Treatment Cost- From $930 to $1,530.

All the mentioned termite treatment cost details are essentially based on different factors like the size of your home, number of treatments, treatment type, etc. If you are curious how each of such factors is directly affecting the cost of termite treatment, then look at the information we provided further.

See How Different Factors Affect The Cost Of Termite Treatment

Termite Type

  • Subterranean Termites Subterranean termites are underground termites that venture into your property foundation through soil and wood. So, if you notice any termite activity near the foundation along the exterior fixtures and concrete, be ready to invest between $250 and $1,500.

  • Drywood Termites Termites that flock to your place with damp wood are referred to as dry wood termites as they usually feed on the dry wood of your property. Thus, you will be charged from $225 to $2,500 when you are counting on termite examination for dry wood termite treatment.

  • Dampwood Termites All the wooden structures in your property that are damp would be consumed by damp termites hence their name. So, if your property is a victim of dampwood termite infestation, look out for their treatment that costs you between $225 and $2,500.

  • Formosan Termites A formidable kind of termite type that quickly spreads across your property and infests it is none other than Formosan termites. Therefore, if you find signs of Formosan termites in your residential or commercial property, then expect to pay from $250 to $1,500 for the treatment.

Property Size

It is a factor that termite treatment cost will be estimated based on the property size and such cost averages are listed here.

  • 1,500 square feet would cost between $1,500 and $5,250

  • 1,800 square feet would cost between $1,800 and $5,800

  • 2,000 square feet would cost between $2,000 and $6,500

  • 3,000 square feet would cost between $3,000 and $9,500.

Treatment Type

  • Bait Station Or Trenching Usually, a bait station or trenching is a method that contains cellulose and any wood by-product in it. This treatment acts as a poison-laced food to the termite and on consumption, a termite dies along with its population when this food is carried to the colony. So, if your choice is bait station or trenching type of treatment for the termite infestation, then the average cost is between $8 and $12 per linear foot.

  • Liquid Barrier Treatment When you get in touch with a professional for liquid barrier treatment the professional applies a liquid termiticide around your property's foundation. Now, this liquid termiticide acts as a barrier to your property from termites and costs you between $3 and $15 per linear foot.

  • Chemical Treatments Chemical termite treatment is a solution you can look forward to if you are in search of a treatment that eliminates the root cause of termite infestation. The cost it takes to avail this chemical treatment for termites for your home is affordable and ranges between $3 and $20 per linear foot.

  • Fumigation An immediate and drastic solution to control termite infestation on your property is to go with fumigation as it uses gas to kill termites. The average cost it takes to kill termites on a large scale with fumigation termite treatment is between $10 and $20 per linear foot.

  • Heat Treatment If the termite infestations in your property are severe and need immediate treatment action then we would suggest you go for heat treatment. It is the best alternative for structural wood and exterminates termites at the average cost of $10 per linear foot.

  • Termiticide A backup plan for total termite control is termiticide as this is an application of chemical pesticides in the treated area. So, if there are still leftover termites after the treatment, these chemical pesticides kill them at the cost of $4 to $14.50 per linear foot.

  • Foam Treatments Foam termite treatment is a chemical treatment where an expert injects foam termiticides beneath void slabs, into a wall void and secluded areas like crawl spaces. Therefore you can expect to pay from $325 to $350 per application session as this is a difficult treatment.

Treatment Frequency

The termite treatment cost also depends on factors such as treatment frequency as it involves the assistance of pest control professionals. So, if you see purely based on the treatment frequency for termite infestation, then a single visit from the professional costs you between $300 and $480.

  • Monthly- From 660 to 900

  • Quarterly- From 240 to 560

  • Annually- From 200 to 400.

Cost By Linear Foot

When considering the linear foot aspect as a cost factor for termite treatment, the average cost is between $10 and $20 per linear foot. However, this cost changes depending on the geographic location of your property in Australia.

Number Of Treatment

Based on the number of treatments for termite infestation, you can expect to pay between $8 and $12 per linear foot. For, the more heat treatment your property requires, the more it costs between 800 and 2500 for the number of treatments.

Additional Costs And Considerations

  • Termite Inspection- Between $85 and $300 for a termite inspection to determine the presence of termite infestations across your property, indoors and outdoors.

  • Damage Repairs-

    Drywall repair: Between $300 and $1,000

    Carpentry framing repair: Between $500 and $2,500/p>

    Attic insulation installation: Between $1,700 and $2,100

    Crawl space repair: Between $1,500 and $15,000.

  • Foundation Repair- From $2,000 to $7,000 for foundational cracks and other problems.

  • Termite Monitoring Stations- Generally ranges between 35 and 45. $135 every month and $410 is the average cost every year.

  • Termite Bonds- You can after a coverage plan based on termite bonds avail of a bond that ranges between $300 and $400 per year.

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*Do not take the given prices and costs as actual prices for your services. These are subject to change based on local market rates for various things like labour and material.

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