How Much Does Solar Panel Cleaning Cost?

How Much Does Solar Panel Cleaning Cost?
09 Feb, 2024 / Solar Panel Experts / Written by ServiceTasker Team / 375 Views / Last Updated 15 Jun, 2024

Solar panels are expensive and long-term investments that can provide a reliable supply of electricity for your home and business. Regular cleaning is essential to preserving the lifespan and effectiveness of your solar panels. However, due to cost worries, many homeowners can be reluctant to invest in professional cleaning services. The efficiency of dirty solar panels can be reduced by up to 30%, which can have a major impact on how much electricity your system can produce. These cleaning services prices can change based on several variables. Read this cost guide to know in detail about the solar panel cleaning charge.

Average Prices For Cleaning Solar Panels

There are different solar panel cleaning costs in different companies. The average cost of cleaning a solar panel is around $12 for one panel. Depending upon the size and number of panels the price will increase or decrease. The average cost to clean and maintain house solar panels is between $150 and $330.

Number Of Panels Price For cleaning
20 solar panels $240 to $600
40 solar panels $480 to $1200
More than 40 solar panels $500+

Cost For Repairing The Solar Panels

When it comes to solar panel repairs, the costs can vary significantly depending on the type and extent of the damage. Here’s a breakdown of potential expenses:

  • For panel cracks and damage, it will cost you around $200 to $400.

  • If the wirings are loose, it will cost you around $135.

  • In case the panel glass is broken, it will cost you around $75 to $400.

  • A broken inverter will cost you a hefty amount of $1000 to $2500.


  • Climate: Heavy rains can naturally wash away some material, thus cleaning may not be necessary as frequently in those areas. In contrast, because of an accumulation of dust, arid areas could require greater care. Areas with minimal rainfall and dry weather could need more frequent cleaning.

  • Location: The location of your solar panels can also influence the cost. The process of cleaning your panels could be less complicated and costly if they are situated in a single-story building and are easily accessible. Higher expenses could be incurred, though, if your panels are placed in a difficult-to-reach location or on a multi-story building and require special equipment or safety precautions.

  • Panel size and type: The total cost will depend on the size and number of panels you have. Naturally, cleaning larger systems or ones with more panels will take more time and resources. Additionally, specific panel technologies or materials may require specific cleaning techniques or tools, raising overall costs.

  • Panel tilt angle: Solar panels' ability to clean themselves is greatly affected by their inclination; panels placed at steeper inclinations easily remove dirt and debris. Dust accumulation is more noticeable in solar panel installations with lower tilt angles due to this natural shedding tendency, which lessens the need for manual cleaning.

  • Pollen: During some seasons, pollen may build up a coating on your panels that lowers their effectiveness.

  • Organic debris: Hard deposits can form from residues such as tree sap, bird droppings, and tree resin, which require the use of cleaning products to remove.

  • Pollution: Thick layers of smog may build up dirt on your panels, obstructing sunlight and decreasing their effectiveness.


Usually, most places can get away with cleaning your solar panels once or twice a year. However, maintaining peak performance and extending the lifespan of your solar panel system can be achieved by evaluating the previously described factors and modifying your cleaning routine accordingly. Professional cleaning of solar panels is advised by experts at least twice a year, and many solar panel warranties call for cleaning regularly.

Maintaining your solar panels through regular cleaning not only increases energy output and efficiency but also prolongs their life, encourages cost savings, and helps ensure a sustainable energy future. It's a straightforward yet effective procedure that guarantees the longevity of your solar investment.


A variety of environmental factors are exposed to solar panels such as pollution, dust, pollen, and bird droppings, which may accumulate over time to lower the panels' efficiency. Maintaining your solar system's efficiency over time can ensure that your investment pays for itself.

  • Efficiency Boost: Regular cleaning enhances solar panel efficiency by removing dirt and dust, allowing maximum sunlight absorption.

  • Maintenance of Output: Cleaning prevents the buildup of grime, ensuring consistent energy production from solar panels.

  • Prolonged Lifespan: Regular maintenance, including cleaning, contributes to the longevity of solar panels.

  • Return on Investment: Clean panels optimize energy production, maximizing the return on your solar investment.

  • Avoiding Shading Effects: Removing debris prevents shading, ensuring each panel functions at its full capacity.

  • Enhanced Aesthetics: Clean solar panels maintain a visually appealing appearance, contributing to overall curb appeal.


Cleaning your solar panels may be expensive, but it's an investment that's necessary for maximizing the production of energy and extending the lifespan of your system. Long-term savings in terms of conserving energy and lower maintenance costs will result from the advantages, which greatly exceed the initial outlay. A well-maintained solar panel system, after all, is a commitment to a cleaner, brighter future as well as an investment in sustainable energy.

*Do not take the given prices and costs as actual prices for your services. These are subject to change based on local market rates for various things like labour and material.

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