How Much Does It Cost to Paint a House

Average House Painting Service Cost: $1500 to $8000

The price to paint a house varies according to its location, size, and condition. A 1,500–2,500 square foot property will typically pay between $2,500 and $7,500 for exterior house painting. The average cost of interior painting is between $3,000 and $4,000. Premium paints and intricate craftsmanship may come with a higher price tag.

How Much Does It Cost to Paint a House
02 Jan, 2024 / Painters / Written by ServiceTasker Team / 295 Views / Last Updated 15 Jun, 2024

One of the cost-effective ways of making your house look as good as it formerly looked is no other work but painting. Painting makes everything room, walls, ceilings and roofs change completely with its repainting look. However, do you know how much does it cost to paint a house? In this blog, you can check how painters determine their service rates and how much they charge for different uses. You must know these points if you have any plans for painting your house.

Factors That Painters Calculate To Determine Their Costs

Understanding the overall expense of house painting entails a comprehensive grasp of the multiple factors involved in price determination. Painters typically assess costs based on square meter measurements, factoring in variables such as paint colour choices and necessary supplies. It's important to note that the painting area's intricacies can sometimes lead to cost variations. Therefore, painters meticulously consider all aspects of the painting project to arrive at a finalized estimate.

If it is interiors, a painter calculates the painting cost depending upon the following aspects:

  • Will there be any repairs to be done or surface preparation?

  • Do you do trimming and have any architraves?

  • How many doors are to be painted?

  • How high is your ceiling from the floor?

If it is exteriors, a painter calculates the painting cost depending upon the following aspects:

  • Is your building on a level block and what about its access?

  • If it's a multi-level home, then how much do painters charge for a scaffolding job and labour work with a quote?

  • Does exterior painting need different treatments?

How Much Does It Cost to Paint a House?

The average charges for a house painter in Australia typically range between $2,500 and $20,000, depending largely on the scale of the painting project. Variations in costs are influenced not only by the job's size but also by the specific requirements of both interior and exterior painting. These factors significantly impact the overall pricing structure. As a result, homeowners can anticipate varying costs when engaging a painter, contingent upon several influencing elements. The costs you can expect to pay a painter on average are:

  • Interior painting of a double-bedroom unit- Between $2,500 and $3,500
  • Interior painting of a 3 bedroom unit- Between $3,500 and $4,500

  • Exterior painting of a 2-storey house- Between $5,500 and $20,000

  • Roof painting- Between $2,800 and $4,500.

Not all house owners have to set their minds to pay $2,500, $5,500 or $20,000 because painters charge based on job size. Therefore, if you want a painter to repaint only one bedroom's interiors then it would cost you low.

Cost to Paint a Bedroom

The initial phase of a home improvement project often involves painting the bedroom, and for a standard 3x3.5 meter room, the estimated cost ranges from $300 to $750. This estimate takes into account the need for approximately 10 litres of paint and a can of primer to achieve optimal results.

Cost to Paint a Bathroom

When it comes to painting a bathroom, which is typically smaller, the cost is relatively lower. For an average bathroom size of 6.5 square meters, one can anticipate spending between $150 and $350. It's worth noting that higher or semi-gloss paint varieties tend to be more expensive per litre compared to matte or eggshell finishes, although the former offer increased durability and easier maintenance.

Cost to Paint a Living Room Or Hallway

Moving on to the living room or hallway, the cost escalates as the area to be painted increases. Depending on the specific size of the space and potential additional factors such as accent walls or high ceilings, the expense can range from $900 to $2,000.

Cost to Paint a Kitchen

As for the kitchen, painting the walls is comparatively more cost-effective, primarily due to the presence of cabinetry. The average cost for painting kitchen walls is around $1,000, with a pricing range of $100 to $200 per linear meter.

Cost To Paint The Interior Of House

Particular painters charge you an average cost depending upon the single coat and two finishing quotes of an interior. The cost for this service varies between $20 and $30 depending upon the square metre and it includes your ceiling too.

There are times when you have to pay the least cost for a painter's job, that is when a single-colour painting is done with minimal trimming work. But if the same job has additionals such as multiple colours painting to ceiling, trimming and glass architraves with a quote, then charges go beyond $30. You can even expect to pay more than $30 if you need special effect paintings, wallpapering, sponged effects etc.

  • A 2-bedroom unit with a single bathroom and a laundry with the benefit of a quote- Between $2,500 and $3,500

  • A few rooms which have 2 bedrooms, a kitchen or dining area with the benefit of quotes- Between $800 and $1,500.

Cost To Paint The Exterior Of House

For exterior painting jobs like brickwork, you might be charged somewhere between $15 and $45 per square meter. If there are timber surfaces, then you might expect to pay a painter cost between $12 and $60 per square meter. For others, it is as listed below:

  • A 2-storey building with 3 bedrooms- Between $5,500 and $8,000

  • A 2-storey weatherboard house- Between $10,000 and $20,000 (based on house size and surface condition).

The job of a painter who does exterior painting needs more preparation work than interior painting. Thus, the costs they charge are usually high.

Cost To Paint A Roof

When you decide to ask for a quote from the painter, then make up your mind to ask how much they charge to paint your roof. We have a general answer to this inquiry of yours, that is, the roof painting charges between $2800 and $4500. But this costs only if your home is a unit of 3 bedrooms with terracotta, metal or tile surfaces.

Moreover, if you want any roof repair services in addition to other casual painting jobs to be done, the cost of hiring a roof painter varies.

DIY Painting & Costing

Yes, DIY house painting seems to be pretty until you do it yourself with insufficient materials, tools, no matching paint colour, etc. Because what you know about DIY house painting is not the only thing that is acknowledged in the market but more than that. As spoken, there is a wide range of paint colours, materials and different surfaces that have a huge impact on final finishing. Getting your house surfaces with the first coat plays a crucial role.

DIY house painting cost is just up to painting your house whenever you want but there are many more things to consider. A few important things to consider are paint rollers, brushes and so on supplies. So, you can expect to pay the below cost for DIY house painting:

  • Home paint costs based on finishing- From $30 to $40 per 10L

  • Painting tools such as drop sheets, trays, brushes, tapes, rollers, etc- From $400 to $500

Painting in Preparation to Sell

If you're painting your house in preparation for selling, seek advice from a real estate agent who understands current buyer trends. Keep in mind that some buyers may plan renovations post-purchase, so avoid overselling on paintwork. Focus on enhancing the paintwork in key areas like the kitchen and bathroom, presenting the rest of the house as a neutral canvas for potential buyers.

Tips for Obtaining an Accurate Estimate for House Painting

  • Obtain Multiple Quotes: To ensure a comprehensive understanding of the potential costs, it is advisable to collect quotes from various painters. This approach allows for a more standardized price range assessment, aiding in the selection of the most suitable candidate for the job.

  • Inquire About Site Accessibility: To prevent unforeseen additional expenses, ensure that the location provides easy access for the painters and their equipment. This transparency can contribute to a more accurate estimate.

  • Evaluate Paint Products: Conduct thorough research on high-quality house paint products, taking into consideration factors such as the house's location, prevailing weather conditions, and other environmental factors. This knowledge will assist in selecting the most suitable and durable paint for the job.

  • Prioritize Quality: Opt for quality over a lower price, as the latter may lead to subpar results. The cost is often reflective of the level of workmanship, and choosing quality ensures a more satisfactory and lasting outcome for the house painting project.

Consideration Before Hiring A House Painter

When contemplating the cost of painting a house, especially a 3-bedroom house, both interior and exterior in Australia, there are several key factors to consider. It's essential to factor in the size and layout of the house, as these aspects directly influence the amount of paint needed. Additionally, the current condition of the walls and surfaces may impact the overall cost, as extensive preparation and repairs may be required. The location of the house also plays a role, particularly in Australia where environmental conditions can affect the type of paint and application methods. For the exterior, climatic considerations and the need for weather-resistant paints may contribute to the overall cost.

Furthermore, it's crucial to take into account the painter's expertise and experience, as this can influence the quality of the job and, consequently, the cost. Different painters may offer varying prices, so obtaining multiple quotes and comparing them is advisable. Before making a decision, assess the overall house painting costs, ensuring transparency in the pricing structure. Be wary of any hidden fees and clarify whether the quote covers materials, labor, and any additional services.

Ultimately, understanding the cost of painting a house involves a comprehensive evaluation of various factors. By considering these aspects, you can make an informed decision when hiring a house painter and ensure a satisfactory outcome for your project. Also if you are considering expanding your home but are unsure about the potential cost of a home extension read our guide today.

    *Do not take the given prices and costs as actual prices for your services. These are subject to change based on local market rates for various things like labour and material.

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