How Much Does Appliance Installation Cost? [2024 Data]

Average Appliance Installation Cost: $70-$500

The cost of appliance installation in Australia depends on the type and complexity of the appliance and can range from $70 to $500. The cost will also depend on factors like location, the number of appliances, and any extra work or carpentry work.

How Much Does Appliance Installation Cost? [2024 Data]
29 Dec, 2023 / Appliance Installation / Written by ServiceTasker Team / 393 Views / Last Updated 15 Jun, 2024

How much does appliance installation cost?

Appliance Average Price
Washing Machine Between $70 And $180
Dryer Between $80 And $200
Refrigerator Between $90 And $150
Cooking Around $100 To $280
Dishwasher Between $100 And $200
Cooking Surface Around $120 To $500

Factors Influencing The Price Of Installing Appliances

  • Whereabouts: The total cost will also depend on your location. Depending on the cost of the appliance, some providers provide lower installation costs and free transport to neighbouring locations. However, you need to budget more for shipping and installation if you live far from the store. See the average expenses of appliance installation by state in the table below:

    State Average Price of Installation
    Australian Capital Territory Between $50 and $400
    New South Wales Between $50 and $400
    South Australia From $50 to $300
    Victoria Between $50 and $200
    Western Australia Between $50 and $200
    Queensland Between $50 and $330

  • The Number Of Appliances: The number of appliances you wish installed will determine how much installation will cost. If you want to install more than one appliance, the cost of each additional item will often be increased. However, the professional can offer you a discount if you hire him to install three or more appliances in your home in a single day.

  • Work Complexity: How much does appliance installation cost? The overall cost of installing appliances varies based on the intricacy of the task. The installation cost would inevitably rise if more work was required for the installation, such as new gas lines, electrical work, or appliance removals.

    For example, an electrician may charge between $140 and $180 per hour if you need their advice on electrical wiring. These chores increase the complexity of the appliance installation process and may call for a contractor's knowledge as well. Thus, the greater the expenses.

  • Kind Of Appliance: Costs for appliance direct installation vary depending on the kind of appliance. Plug-and-play, smaller appliances begin at $60 per hour.

    For instance, installing a dishwasher may cost as much as $230. Prices may also increase if you have purchased a smart appliance since they require more setup work than regular appliances.

  • Minimum charges: Before starting the work, some installers want a flat cost or minimum charge. This is intended to account for the cost of travel and other administrative charges, and it can vary from $60 to $150.

  • Carpentry: You may require carpentry to fit and assemble new fresh purchases if you have moved into a new home and are installing new appliances for the first time. Naturally, this will raise the overall expenses as well.

Various Appliances And The Price Of Installation

How much does appliance installation cost? The price of installing appliances includes a guarantee, as well as the unpacking, removal, and disposal of the old item. Make sure you talk about everything with your installer before beginning the work to avoid any unforeseen expenses.

  • Cooking surface: The cost to install a cooktop may range from $120 to $500, making it one of the most expensive pieces of equipment to install in your home. If the countertop requires adjustments or additional venting, the cost may still increase. In most cases, the cost already includes assembly, unpacking, and disposal of the product's original packaging.

  • Dryer: dryer installation can range from $80 to $200, taking into account wall installation. This cost covers testing, assembly, connection, and disposal of discarded packaging in addition to unpacking.

  • Refrigerator: Refrigerator installation cost ranges from $90 to $150. If you need a water line setup, the price of more recent refrigerators with ice makers and separate dispensers may go up. The price often covers assembly, unpacking, and cleaning up the old packaging, just as with other appliances.

  • Stove: The cost of installing a stove is higher than that of other kitchen appliances, ranging from $100 to $280. If kitchen cabinet repairs and maintenance are required, prices may still rise.

  • Washing Machine: A washing machine installation cost could set you back anything from $70 to $180. This covers dismantling an outdated appliance, packaging, and assembling. But be prepared to spend more if repairs are required.

  • Dishwasher: A new dishwasher requires $100 to $200 in installation. This involves piping, disassembly, removal of an old appliance, and testing the appliance's functionality. Costs may increase if new pipe installation and cabinet repairs are required.

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*Do not take the given prices and costs as actual prices for your services. These are subject to change based on local market rates for various things like labour and material.

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