How Much Does A Home Extension Cost? [2024 Cost Analysis]

Average Price Of Home Extension – $1500 to $4500

A home extension in Australia usually costs between $1,500 and $3,000 per square meter. At times, the cost can be increased to $1500 because of some difficulties in the project. This cost may differ depending on the location, the quality of the materials utilized, and the design's intricacy.

How Much Does A Home Extension Cost? [2024 Cost Analysis]
11 Dec, 2023 / Architects / Written by ServiceTasker Team / 591 Views / Last Updated 15 Jun, 2024

Common Reasons That A Building Needs An Extension

  • Creating More Space- The addition in the number of family members in a growing family is a common scenario where people tend to create more spaces for dining areas, kitchen areas, etc.

  • Increasing Property Value- With house extensions in a well-designed manner, you can add value to your property and make it more attractive while enhancing its aesthetics and functionality.

  • Improving Accessibility- If you are a family that has an individual with any kind of mobility challenges then extensions can be done to improve the accessibility for that individual. Your extensions mainly include features like a ramp and ground flooring bathrooms for easy access.

  • Increase Natural Light- An easy access to increase the natural light to your indoors is to incorporate modern skylights, open-plan designs and windows.

  • Accommodating Multigenerational Living- To accommodate multiple generations in a place together, a few families start house extensions by providing different spaces based on generation requirements.

  • Designing A Master Suite- A choice of extending your house with a master bedroom suite that has an attached walk-in closet and bathroom enhances your indoors.

  • Modernising And Upgrading- If only primary goal is to update and modernise your house then incorporate it with energy-efficient features, advanced technology and contemporary design elements.

How Much Does A Home Extension Cost

With a budget home extension plan in mind, people are often concerned about how much does a home extension costs on average. For a house extension at ground level, it takes approximately $1,500 to $4,000 per square yard or m². However, if you want to know the cost allocation based on the quality it is different.

  • Basic Quality- $1,500 to $2,500 per square metre.

  • Medium Quality- $2,500 to $3,000 per square metre.

  • High Quality- $3,000 to $4,000 per square metre.

So based on these numbers, you can calculate the cost of a 50m2 extension. If you calculate the house extension cost for 80m², then the cast would go around.

  • Basic Quality- $120,000 to $200,000 per square metre.

  • Medium Quality- $200,000 to $240,000 per square metre.

  • High Quality- $240,000 to $320,000 per square metre.

The cost for a second-house extension would be 50% more than the usual ground-floor extension with the consideration of quality. The detailed cost factors and numbers for a house extension will be discussed further. So, if you are worried about such details, do look for the details we mentioned here.

How Much Can You Expect To Pay For A House Extension Of Per m² In Australia?

Here is the information you are curious about the exact cost it takes for house extensions based on different floor extensions in Australia. As mentioned previously the house extension caused fairly depends upon the quality and only the average cost is mentioned here. On average, home extensions cost:

  • $1350/m2 for a timber ground floor extension.

  • $1500/m2 for a brick veneer ground floor extension.

  • $2100/m2 for a first-floor extension.

  • $1,500 to $4,000 per square yard for a ground floor extension.

  • $2,500 to $3,500 per square yard for a second-floor extension.

Based on these floor-wise extension costs it takes between $120,000 and $320,000 for an 80m² ground floor house extension. At the same time, it roughly takes between $90,000 and $240,000 for a 60m² based on the quality factor. So, you can nearly save around $30,000 to $80,000 for a 60 m² extension.

Key Factors That Impact Cost Of A Home Extension

Are you confused about "how much should a house extension cost”? Several factors can directly impact the house extension cost and it is crucial to understand them before you are planning for an extension. Here are some key factors that need to be considered then house extension costs are calculated.

  • Quality of the materials- Basic, medium and high.

  • Size and scope of the extension- Large, medium and small.

  • Architectural design- Based on client requirements and choice.

  • Location- Rural and urban areas.

  • Site conditions- Poor soil, excavation, difficult terrain, etc.

  • Labour costs- Depends upon some of the major aspects like skills, location, demand for construction services and the project type.

  • Utilities and services- Includes electrical, plumbing and HVAC units in addition to relocation of gas lines.

  • Time of the year- Costs of material and labour vary depending upon the building seasons.

  • Interior finishing- Your choice of cabinets, flooring, light fixtures, countertops and other high-end finishes.

  • Consistency- Consistency fund that will be used in case of unexpected changes in the overall project.

  • Economic factors- Inflation and construction market fluctuations can dramatically impact the cost of labour and materials.

  • Project management- Hiring an architect or a certified project manager.

  • Permits and regulations- Local building regulations such as planning permits, building permits, and environment permits. Compliance with zoning regulations, setback requirements and following historic preservation guidelines.

Does Change In States Cause Impact On House Extension Cost?

As experts charge a flat rate or hourly rates in case of house extensions there is an impact on the overall cost of house renovations in different states of Australia. Costs associated with a home extension change depending upon the location of the state fairly based on the hour. Some of such estimated prices in some of the famous Australian states are as follows:

  • Sydney- $40 per hour

  • Melbourne- $45 per hour

  • Brisbane- $45 per hour

  • Perth- $45 per hour

  • Adelaide- $50 per hour

  • Canberra- $50 per hour.

What Other Costs You Need To Consider While Making A Budget?

A house extension quote usually accounts in favour of windows, doors, insulation, roofs, ceilings, interiors and other exteriors. But some of them are missing your considerations which usually need to be included in the budget too. So, for a complete analysis of “how much does a home extension cost”, you must consider these options related to home extensions.

  • Lighting fixtures

  • Furniture and furnishings

  • Appliances

  • Equipment

  • HVAC units

  • Built-in storage

  • Technology and wiring

  • Utility connection

  • Cleaning and final touches

  • Permit fees and inspections.

List Of Different Types Of Home Extensions

By considering the size, shape, location, quality, complexity and some other specific features, approximate cost ranges for different house extensions are stated here. Therefore, take a look at how each of the house extensions is caused based on the mentioned factors above.

  • Kitchen Extension: $20,000 to $50,000

  • Bathroom Extension: $15,000 to $40,000

  • Garage Conversion: $15,000 to $30,000

  • Porch Extension: $15,000 to $25,000

  • Wrap-Around Extension: $30,000 to $40,000

  • Conservatory Extension: $5,000 to $30,000
  • Loft conversion: $2,500 to $30,000

Now, how much does a home extension cost must be clear to you.

Here Is How You Can Save Your House Extension Costs From Exceeding

In fact, besides all this, you can even save your pockets from additional investments by smart decision-making, careful planning, gaining access to skilled labour, practising local building practices, etc. Strategies you can incorporate for the above are,

  • Setting a realistic budget

  • Prioritising and planning

  • Efficient designing

  • Reusing the existing space

  • Competitive building

  • Reusing the materials

  • Negotiate with the contractors

  • Energy-efficient upgrades

  • Bulk purchases

  • Research local incentives

Two Case Studies Submitted By Home Extension Experts

Case Study 1: Adding 40 m² Extension

Location: Sydney, New South Wales

Client: Sarah and James Thompson

Need: They wanted to add an extension of 40 m² to their existing home with energy-efficient features and contemporary design elements.

  • Extension Type: Ground floor extension

  • Quality: High quality

  • Budget: $20,000

40 m² Extension Cost Key Factors:

Design: Single room with energy-efficient and modern design features.

Materials: Wood and Iron

Interior Finishing: Premium finishing with two cabinets


Site Conditions: No excavation was required but the attachment creation was a big issue.

Ventilation Feature: Added ventilation from two sides and a small window for energy efficiency.

Final Result:

The extension was built with no damage to the surroundings and all features demanded by the family. The space was enough for the accommodation of the new member in the house and they were happy with the work. 

Case Study 2: 60m² House Extension

Location: Brisbane, Queensland

Client: The Patel Family

Home Extension Scene: The demand was to create a multigenerational living space of 60 m² to accommodate grandparents that would provide separate living quarters. 

  • Type: Ground floor extension

  • Quality: Medium quality

  • Budget: $28,000

Cost Influencing Reasons:

Project Scope: 60 m² was a larger extension.

Materials: Timber and Iron


Local Regulation: Brisbane has local regulations called the Dwelling House Code for creating home extensions. We got permission with some explanations. 

Interior Finishing: We had to meet budget constraints so the interior finishing was very simple but all with agreement from the client.

Family Reaction:

The home extension was created as they wanted. They were happy to have a separate living for their parents. The work was cost-effective and pleasing as they were able to save $2000 from the given budget. 

Choose Home Extension Experts At ServiceTasker™️

 Your local home extension experts are not far from you since you can find many of them on ServiceTasker™️. Post your task, receive FREE quotes from certified local home extension experts and connect with verified contractors to choose the one suitable for your needs. 

As you plan your home extension, safety is paramount, especially with electrical installations. Familiarize yourself with essential electrical safety tips for your home to ensure a secure environment for your family in the extended space.

*Do not take the given prices and costs as actual prices for your services. These are subject to change based on local market rates for various things like labour and material.

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