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Interior painting of a 3 bedroom house, ie bedrooms & bedroom doors, lounge, kitchen and laundry (excluding the inside of wardrobe & Drawers)
Patching 2 areas (old air conditioning and vent)
Painting 3 doors (interior and exterior)
Painting the front door frame and the handrails
-Rear yard right side of fence plants cut back off grass and shaped into a hedge approx halfway down the fence
-Back fence vine plant height cut back to fence and face cut back to inline with tree in between the vine
-Back section patch of grass whipper snipped low to ground
-Rear yard grass mulched once to bring height down then caught. Edges whipped -Swiss plant along house cut back off pathway and pathway snipped
-Ivy growing on house pulled off and ivy on (brick bbq?) pulled off
-Left side of backyard trees overhanging fence cut back to the fence
-Driveway all cut back to in line with driveway so cars can pass without scraping Reduce heights to approx fenceline
-Grass and nature strip mulched and then caught plus edges
-Small grass patch by front door whipped and poisoned
-Hedges in front yard cut back and pruned to shape