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1494cm X 209cm area of carpet tiles. I think this is indoor/outdoor carpet. We would want to dye the carpet a darker colour, possibly dark grey or dark brown or black. Your advice here would be valuable. Currently multi coloured, predominently blue. Objective is to modernise.
My name is Diego Pinon.
We’ve recently purchased a house in Brisbane ( and are planning some renovations.
We're looking for a builder for a small project that includes:
- Knocking down 2 small walls (2 in the kitchen-living area and 2 in the bathroom)
- Building two new walls to enclose the old living room into a new bedroom
Relocation of electrical outlets if necessary (we can provide an electrician if needed, but we haven’t chosen one yet)
- Plastering where needed
- Installing 3 doors (bedroom, bathroom, and toilet)
- Bathroom renovation:
—Installing a new bathtub (preferably freestanding, if possible), taps, and mixer
—Installing a new vanity, taps, and mixer
—Installing a mirror cabinet
—Installing a shower, including a shower base and glass screen
—Plastering, waterproofing, and tiling (floor and walls)
—Installing a ceiling extraction fan (air ducts might be connected to the existing toilet fan; the roof is accessible through a manhole)
—Relocation of electrical outlets if necessary
—There might be a few other small tasks around the house as well.
The house was last renovated about 25 years ago. We believe the existing plumbing and electrical systems are in acceptable condition, so we don’t plan on replacing them unless necessary. Since the house is elevated, plumbing is accessible from underneath.
The owner didn’t provide any existing house plans, but I’ve put together a rough layout based on photos and videos we recorded. I’ve attached two reference plans (approximate measurements): the current layout and the proposed layout we’d like to achieve
As a Surveying Engineer, I plan to create more accurate plans once we have access to the house or, if possible, arrange with the owner to take measurements in early January, and try to bring the builder the same time for an inspection to provide a more realistic quote.
In case you are interested:
Could you send us a rough quote? Or if you work by the hour, could you provide an estimate of the hours involved, the number of people required, and the expected timeframes?
We’re planning a bathroom renovation for a single-story house in Toowong and would appreciate a rough quote and proposal based on the following details.
Please note: Some of the work will be completed by another builder and does not need to be included in your quote:
• Stripping the walls and floor
• Demolishing one of the existing walls
• Framing a new wall
• Installing a door
Work we’d like quoted:
• Installing a new bathtub (preferably freestanding, if possible), taps, and mixer
• Installing a new vanity, taps, and mixer
• Mirror cabinet installation
• Installing a shower, including a shower plate and glass screen
• Plastering, waterproofing, and tiling (floor and walls)
• Ceiling extraction fan installation (air conduits could probably be connected to existing fan in toilet. Roof is accessible through manhole)
• Relocation of electrical outlets of necessary
• Potential installation of a new toilet (in the same location, still to be confirmed)
The bathroom and plumbing are easily accessible from underneath the house. While we understand that some plumbing fixtures and pipes may need to be moved or replaced, the bathroom was last renovated about 20 years ago, so we hope much of the existing piping can be reused.
The settlement date for the house is January 20th, so we won’t be able to strip the walls or take precise measurements until then. However, I’ve drafted some preliminary plans based on photos and a video for reference.
At this stage, we’re seeking a rough quote and proposal to book the service for late January or early February.