Toorak Business Directory is the largest online business directory in Toorak, continuously expanding to serve more users.
We assist customers in discovering local businesses, and the best part is that it's completely free for everyone!
There are x 2 pickup locations from Toorak (one bedroom apartment with x1 stairs) and a second pickup in Elwood (one bedroom with x1 stairs). Drop ogg location is a house in Elwood (no stairs). Items:
- x 2 queen bed and base
-x2 coffee table
x1 dining table and four chairs
-standing birdcage
-washing machine
-x2 2.5 seater couch
-x1 art work
-x1 mirror
-x1 tv unit
-x1 tv
x1bedside table
-x1 chest of drawers
Currently have a 2 hour quote for $590 which I'm hoping to beat.