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We're looking for internal painting of wood veneer parts of three rooms downstairs (one is 5.7 by 5.6m but only two walls need painting, one is 4.2 by 3.5m - 3 walls to be painted and one is 3.4 by 6m but bookcase and louvre don't need painting) plus parts of a stairwell. No ceilings involved. The 'study' on the floorplan photos has had the vener painted over already and is what we'e after for the other rooms. Realestate ref here: https://www.realestate.com.au/sold/property-house-tas-taroona-146371740.
We're flexible on timing. Looking for quotes at this stage. Please email in first instance (michelle_hessels@hotmail.com) or call after 5pm or Sat if possible as I work in an open office and it's hard to talk at work this week. Thanks, Michelle