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One single day and night with mattress, two queen size mattress, one double size mattress, one glass dining table top one entertainment unit one unit one sofa bed lounge three seater lounge one fridge freezer one chest freezer, one washing machine top loader one clothes dryer
Hi I need quotes on a 1.95 metre tall tea tree colourbond fence for the right hand side of my property.
It would have a 150 mm timber plinth that runs along the bottom that would be a part of the 1.95 metre height. The overall length of the fence would be 38 metres running from the front to back of the property.
I’d also like to get prices/quotes on gates at some point in the future, but am happy to start with fence first.
It would be a half share arrangement
I have three beds and mattress, a couch and electric recliner, fridge and freezer and front load washer dressing table and two chests of drawers, one tall boy plus sundry items to go from my house to storage unit (local)