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Hi there,
Could I please get a quote for:
-Tile removal for bathroom floor, shower, laundry and toilet.
-Tile installation of bathroom floor, laundry and toilet and also for shower from floor to ceiling.
-Bathroom floor area = 4.3m2
-Shower floor area = 0.729
-Shower walls = 4.941m2
-Laundry floor= 2.935m2
-Toilet area = 2.25m2
Could you please give me a separate estimate of bathroom, Laundry and Toilet?
With and without tile removal of each room?
As my son may be able to remove them.
And also a breakdown cost of all the supplies needed as I will provide these for you.
I just bought a house and it's alot more time, work and money than I had initially anticipated but needs to be done.
I will also need a plumber for tap fittings and shower so if you have worked well with any I would appreciate a lead.
I look forward to hearing from you.
Thank you in advance for your time.
Need an IKEA kitchen / laundry and small kitchenette installed in a new house in Rockingham.
Have purchased the goods and got almost all of them in the new house.