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Have just purchased a property in Parmelia WA and need these palms at least cut down to a size I can manage myself. I can remove the waste also myself.
We are moving tomorrow and the people that we have had said help are no longer available. We are in need of someone who has a vehicle (As I don't have a car right now) to move some smaller items (Such as moving bags, my daughters big stuffed toys and a couple of washing baskets) and, if possible, to help my partner load and unload the truck (as we hired a truck from Zippy) as I have recently been diagnosed with osteoarthritis in my left hip and struggle to walk, let alone carry things that are too heavy.
We can't pay a lot but we'd be happy to pay a small amount for the help
Bathroom : N/A
Toilet : N/A
Teen girls bedroom :
* Mattress and bed - Queensize
* 1x shelving (squared)
* Approximate 8-10 big stuffed toys.
* Approximate 4 boxes
* 2 x chest of drawers
* An assortment of plastic bags with assorted stuf in it
* 1x small bookshelf
Teen Boys bedroom
* 2 x mattresses (as he does not have a base)
* 1x square storage
* Approx 5/6 boxes.
* 3x sets of drawers.
* Bedside shelves.
Main bedroom
* Queen size bed and mattress
* Set of drawers
* Approx 5 boxes - 1 of which is a basketball hoop yet to be constructed and one box that will have gaming consoles in them
* Bags with clothing.
* Christmas tree
* TV
* Fridge
* Black desk
* Approx 3/4 boxes of kitchen items
* Approx 4/5 baskets of clothing
* Approx 2 boxes.
* Washing machine.
* Broken couch as it's the dogs 'bed'
* Black bookshelf we couldn't fit inside (and is dusty)
* Kettle BBQ
There is approximately between 5/10 boxes and crates
Living room
* Small corner shelving and front door end table
* 3x desks (2 white and 1 wood coloured)
* Approx 5/6 boxes
* 2x arm chairs
* 2x computer chairs
* 2x computers (1 in a box, 1 not)
* 1 x TV and cabinet
Also, my partner used to be a removalist as well, so he is able to assist you in the move as well :)