Holmview Business Directory is the largest online business directory in Holmview, continuously expanding to serve more users.
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Take down damaged bedroom door and install new one and paint, paint skirting boards in hallway and living/dining (due to hybrid flooring being newly installed) and touch up paint some patches on walls that have already been plastered
Hi, I am in Holmview and am looking for a new garden maintenance person as my current guy has moved. I am looking for regular 3 weekly
Mows, whipper snip and branch trim (as needed), frequency will change depending on the time of year. The yard is not very big and you’re mostly mowing the weeds. I do have a large cat enclosure in the back yard that requires whipper snipping and tree branch trimming. All cuttings to be removed from site.
3 bedroom house, ensuite, bathroom, powder room, living/dining and hallway.
Tenants moved out and want a fresh coat of white paint before we move in.
House is completely empty of furniture