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45sqm downstairs tiles, front door, hallways, kitchen dining, toilet and laundry. Wanting tile and grout restorative clean which includes grout scrubbed with brush as others have quoted and tiles cleaned/machines with scrubber pad then grout sealed. Please provide quote via email thank you.
3m x 3m Gable Roof Garden Shed
Tall - 2.40m
Shed Ramp Double Door
Pls quote installation on grass and please quote installation with you putting pavers down to install shed on pavers . NOTE : I have the pavers & the shed is from Easy Shed .
I need someone with scaffolding to come and set up under an outdoor area to remove two plants of wood from the ceiling and screw in the ceiling .
Hillside 3037 . Two story house.
Looking for someone to install privacy screens x 6 outside . We have the products , we just require installation. It is "Jack Matrix 1800 x 900mm" purchased from Bunnings. . I have ordered the full kits , ready for someone to install. They will be installed on concrete , so you will need the correct tools to drill into Concrete. Online installation videos can be found on Youtube. If you can install these please provide a quote via text with your name and return phone number. We are in Hillside 3037.
Toilet is constantly running. Last water bill was $900 because of this. Have turned off the tap on toilet but now water is constantly leaking on the floor. Need someone to inspect and either fix or replace toilet. Will need 2 quotes - fix and then inspect
4 mtrs x 3.5 mtrs needed to build a small shed on for storage only. It needs to be at the back of the block you may need to mix concrete at the back of the block. No access for truck past the front of the house driveway.
Please also quote for 4x4 mtrs