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I have just ha a terrible housemate move out that is not been cleaning the drain of the shower, this has now caused mold to form under the grate. The grate removes easily. I just need someone that can come and take care of that, your chemicals/tools. If satisfied, with the result. I will need someone to do a deep clean for 2 Bedrooms, 1 toilet, 1 lounge room, 1 kitchen and other common area's
I'm currently in need of someone with a portable soldering iron that has the skillset to fix a circuit board. The garage door button has been hit harder than it should have and dislodged the chip from the board.
I want to install spilt aircon for a room.
Outer unit to be installed on roof as there is no option of back to wall in the room.
room size 2.6 x 3 mtr. House located on ground floor.