Edgewater Business Directory is the largest online business directory in Edgewater, continuously expanding to serve more users.
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Hi all, could you provide a quote for a structural engineering detail for council approval? We plan to extend the existing room to the eaves and add a small ensuite. It will be within the existing roof structure. The room is attached to the house. Thank you!
Filtration system not working properly. Baskets all clean. Have backwashed, primed, then tried to recirculate. Some water running through but at about 40% capacity. I think the glass bead filter needs cleaning? Pool has been turned off since friday as i was away and didn't want motor to burn out. Need clean as well please.
Convert existing storage room to home office . The existing storage room is double brick and tile and attached to house. All I am doing is extending out to the eaves and adding a small ensuite inside the existing room.
We have a number of different areas internally that need some plastering. Most are small areas for instance where we have removed dado rails. We had some walls put up to make a walk in linen but need some plastering work done here too.