Cremorne Point Business Directory is the largest online business directory in Cremorne Point, continuously expanding to serve more users.
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Incl: 2 gates (1 stainless steel pool type gate 2m high ca 1.7 w - partly stripped: finish prep and spray paint I have paint can (I est 2-3 hrs); other gate timber - ca 1.5m partly prepped- finish prep -2 coats (again 2-3 hrs) but will require brush not spray gun; I have paint; Garage - double as noted prior. Time -I est finish strip ca 2-3 hrs; 2 coats sprayed paint (maybe 3) - I have paint (incl undercoat) and sprayer
Finish prep double garage door; paint 2 coats ,Incl: 2 gates (1 stainless steel pool type gate 2m high ca 1.7 w - partly stripped: finish prep and spray paint I have paint can (I est 2-3 hrs); other gate timber - ca 1.5m partly prepped- finish prep -2 coats (again 2-3 hrs) but will require brush not spray gun; I have paint; Garage - double as noted prior. Time -I est finish strip ca 2-3 hrs; 2 coats sprayed paint (maybe 3) - I have paint (incl undercoat) and sprayer
Hello, I would like to ask for a quote to waterproof our 5 m2 balcony and lay down the tiles (tiles provided by me).
Attaching a picture of the balcony.