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The battery where the solar pannels and the motor is connected to only seems to work sometimes, need someone to have a look at this so I'll be able to use my fridge and the power in my van.
Hello! I would love to clean my sofa, it doesn’t have big stains is more about the dust and all the years of usage. It only has two yellow stains apparently for the agws of usage that You can’t see them really well.
My campervan's solar panel don't send enough power for my devices inside (13,8V as the controler says). Apparently my inverter and cables are overpowered for a regular van's use (lights and charging my computer and phone). And when I park my van by night, the battery is discharged.
We check the battery drain amps and it’s huge. It kills the battery in minutes and even the multimeter cables are getting hot in seconds while we are checking. I suspect it has a bat earth somewhere but couldn’t found it yet. I’ve pulled apart all the fuses and relays but nothing seems to be stopping it.