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Seeking for a moving of 3 items, distance 4.5km, no stairs
- Belmont to Waurn Ponds
One mattress size 1.8 x 1.5m
One washing machine size 0.6x0.6x1m
One fridge size 0.7x0.7x1.7m
The actual property is a one floor unit on ground level adjoining another - unit. 2 small bedrooms with carpet and the rest of the unit is boards. I require shower (no mould but would like a regular clean) and the bathroom, very small kitchen and some carpet. Small amount of dusting but areas will have no items on them. Mopping throughout the kitchen family and bathroom area. Monthly cleaning at first but if required more frequently may be needed. Must have police check and insurance.
Now front nature strip and back yard. Occasional cutting of some small shrubs out the front yard also the first time I will need some weed taken out the back from between the small rock path. It’s not as bad as it looks out the front at the moment but the back looks as in the photo. Regular mowing and weeding used to take my old lawnmower man around 20-30 minutes.