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Planning a bathroom renovation. All of current bathroom will be stripped. Size of room 2500cm x 3000cm.
Work I'd like a quote for:
Day 1:
-Relocate water points for new appliances. Layout of the bathroom hasn't changed so it's only slight relocations to fit the replacing bath, shower taps, vanity and toilet.
-Possibly replace piping and valves. Valves for shower look very old. Assuming the rest of the plumbing in the bathroom will be too.
Day 2: (roughly a week later):
- Install all new appliances with the bathroom (toilet, bath, shower, vanity).
Planning a bathroom renovation. All of current bathroom will be stripped. Size of room 2500cm x 3000cm.
Work I'd like a quote for:
Day 1:
-One wall needs to be re-plumbed. It is currently roughly 60mm out at the top.
-Replace two old smaller windows with a new supplied window (new window is exact same size of the space of the two old windows).
-Architraves around door and new window
-All walls to be lined with Villaboard and floors? or do you recommend using something else for a bathroom floor?
- New 90mm cornice to be installed
Day 2: (roughly a week later)
-Fit off: towel rails, mirror, toilet roll holder
-Install new glass shower screen that will rest on the bath.
-Install new door.