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What You Need To Know About Possums?

14 Sep, 2024 / Pest Control / Written by ServiceTasker Team / 55 Views / Last Updated 30 Sep, 2024

What You Need To Know About Possums?

Possums are cute and interesting critters, but when they get into your home, they may create a lot of issues. Possums may be a nuisance, causing damage to property, leaving droppings, and causing loud disruptions. To live peacefully without these furry visitors, it is critical to know various things about possums so that you can put genuine efforts into possum removal and prevention. We are here with all the essential knowledge that you need to know about possums. From their food habits to living habits and more, you can learn so many things. These will help you in dealing with possums in various situations.

What Exactly Is A Possum?

The possum is a medium-sized animal weighing between 4 and 12 pounds and between 15 and 20 inches long. Its coat is long, rough, and greyish-white. Although extremely rare, black, brown, and albino possums have been discovered. Possums have short legs, thin, pointed noses, and large, slender ears. The possum's long prehensile tail (9 to 20 inches), scaly and hairless, helps stabilize it as it climbs. The tail is also suitable for holding and wrapping objects but not for long-term hanging. There are five toes on each possum's foot. The first toe is opposite the hind legs, without claws and thumb-shaped. These "thumbs" help with climbing by allowing the Possum to grasp the branches. Although males are generally larger, both sexes look alike.

Possums are nocturnal animals that can live anywhere. They provide shelter and a variety of food. Most of Australia and New Zealand is currently part of it. Possum numbers can be especially high in broadleaf podocarp forests, which make up most of the habitat. Another common habitat that supports extremely dense populations is margins where grasslands meet forests.


Australia boasts a rich diversity of possum species, including the common Brushtail Possum, the Ringtail Possum, the Sugar Glider, and the Greater Glider. These iconic marsupials inhabit various habitats across the continent, from dense forests to urban gardens. Additionally, the critically endangered Leadbeater's Possum, endemic to Victoria, and the Northern Brushtail Possum found in northern regions, highlight the importance of conservation efforts to protect these unique creatures and their ecosystems.


Possums heavily influence many natural environments in Australia and New Zealand. They are widespread and even their predators, such as feral cats, have little effect on potential population growth. Possums primarily eat leaves, although they are opportunistic omnivores. They compete with local birds and reptiles for food by feeding on flower buds, fruits/berries, and nectar.

When all parts of a tree or plant are eaten, it greatly impacts its growth and life cycle. Possums also have "favourite" trees, such as kamahi trees, resulting in more damaging effects for these species.

When possums were photographed eating kakao eggs and chicks in 1993, many people's perceptions of wildlife damage changed. They consume invertebrates such as weta and are significant predators of ticks and other New Zealand land snails.

They often use holes in tree trunks otherwise occupied by breeding birds such as kikaris and saddlebacks for their nests.

Possums that spread bovine tuberculosis are an additional concern for dairy cattle and deer farmers. Potential control and damage costs for primary production are in the millions of dollars.


An animal with a pouch is called a marsupial. The only mammal of the order Marsupialia, or "pocket animal," that can be found in various regions of Australia. One of the oldest living mammal species on the planet, possums have been around since the days of the dinosaurs. Due to their ability to adapt to various habitats and food sources, possums can survive in various backgrounds.


Possums will use structures, garbage dumps, piles of rocks and brush, den trees, and abandoned animal den sites for shelter. Although they do not hibernate in the winter, they often "burrow" when the weather is cold or bad. Possums can freeze and lose the tips of their ears and tails.


Causes of possum mortality include human contact, hunting, parasites, disease, exposure, and malnutrition. The two biggest dangers are people and cars. Possums have a very low risk of contracting rabies. The main predators are dogs, coyotes, foxes, bobcats, great hawks, and great horned owls.

What Does Possum Eat?

Possums are adaptable and can access food, water, and shelter anywhere. They live near rivers, lakes, ponds, and swamps in wooded areas. In dense forest areas, farmland and small wooded areas are preferable. Possums are often seen living in residential environments, where they build their burrows in sheds, other outbuildings, and backyards.

The possum is an omnivore that generally feeds at night and is a scavenger. It looks for food with its excellent sense of smell. Insects, insects, carrion (dead animals), reptiles, amphibians, birds and their eggs, crabs, berries, fruits, and small mammals make up most of the diet. Garbage, fruits, vegetables, green plants, snails, slugs, snakes, and insects, including cockroaches, crickets, and beetles, are some of the foods they like to eat. They catch and consume rats. They also eat all kinds of dead animals.

Do Possums Eat Dead Possums?

Possums are scavengers that feed on dead animals. They have a strong sense of smell which helps them to easily locate and find the dead animals near them. Possums have weak eyesight which is one of their major weaknesses. Possums eat almost everything they see from fruits to flesh. Possums can grow up to the size of a cat. They have a white face with a grey-haired body. They are environmentally healthy as they eat dead animals, cockroaches, ants, flies and all other unwanted pests.

Do Possums Play Dead?

Possums do have a talent for playing dead to save themselves from predators and their enemies. Possums can do a lot of things when they play dead. Some common things they do are close their eyes, hang their tongue out and also excrete green liquid to pretend they are dead. Possums can play dead for up to 4 hours without anyone recognising them.

What You Can Do For Possum Proofing House

There are various practices, you can apply or do to make your house possum-proof. So, why don’t you try the following things? These will be beneficial for possum-proofing houses.

Know Possum Behaviour

If you are trying to make your home possum-proof, know about the possums. You need to understand the behaviour of possums and how they act. Possums are nocturnal animals that find shelter in dark, isolated areas during the day. They are strong climbers and may get entry to your roof, attic; or crawl space through overhanging branches or tiny gaps. Possums are drawn to sources of food such as pet food, fruits, and bird feeders. You may dramatically lessen the possibility of possums taking up residence in your house by addressing these areas.

Secure Entry Points

For successful possum prevention, you need to identify and seal any potential entrance points. Seal off these access openings with materials such as wire mesh or metal flashing to keep possums out. Possums may fit through surprisingly small spaces, so pay close attention to the places surrounding pipes, vents, and utility openings. Get a possum inspection service or inspect the foundation, walls, roof, vents, and windows for any gaps, holes, or openings. Check for evidence of damage or new openings regularly. Also, repair any damages as soon as possible to maintain a secure barrier against possum entry.

Trim Overhanging Branches

Possums are superb climbers and can utilise overhanging branches to gain access to your roof or other areas. Trim tree branches near your house, leaving at least a three-foot space between the branches and the roofline. Possums will be less likely to jump onto your property as a result of this. Remember to keep branches clear of electricity wires and other structures. Possums are discouraged from accessing your home by eliminating their natural passage. This is one of the ways of possum control.

Install Fencing

You can prevent possums from invading your property by having a professional fence installer set up a strong fence. Choose a fence that is at least six feet tall and is dropped several inches into the ground. This way can prevent possums from tunnelling beneath it. You can also choose materials that possums find difficult to climb, such as polished metal or slippery surfaces. Consider installing an electric wire or strip at the top of the fence for enhanced security. To keep the fence in excellent shape, don’t forget to examine, and maintain it regularly. If anyhow you find a possum, use possum traps.

Remove Food Sources

Possums are drawn to food that is conveniently accessible. Remove or secure possible food sources to prevent possums from visiting your places. To keep possums from digging through garbage cans, keep them in secure containers with tight-fitting covers. Clean up fallen fruits and birdseed regularly to avoid attracting possums and other animals. If you have a dustbin, make sure that you keep it secured and free of food waste. Because this can attract possums. Bring pet food inside overnight and avoid putting it out where possums might access it.

Install Motion-Activated Lights and Sprinklers

Possums are nocturnal animals; you can scare them with loud noises or bright lights. Install motion-activated lights around the outside of your property to repel possums. This not only lights up the area, but it also notifies you of any possum activity. These kinds of techniques can frighten possums and will help you in preventing them from entering your property. In places, where possums are likely to live, these possum-repellent techniques can be beneficial.

Use Deterrents

You can also work on possum control methods with certain odours and sounds. Disperse strong-smelling materials such as mothballs, garlic cloves, or ammonia-soaked rags near possible access sites. Possums have delicate nostrils and will likely avoid strong odours. Possums may be disturbed by these sounds and may avoid establishing in particular areas.

Try Possum Repellent Ultrasonic Devices

Ultrasonic gadgets work as possum-repellent solutions. These gadgets create inaudible high-frequency sound waves that are designed to repel possums and other pests. Ultrasonic devices are the sound devices that annoy and upset possums, causing them to flee. The efficiency of ultrasonic devices as possum repellents, on the other hand, is currently being debated. Some people report success, while others claim little or no effect. Because possum behaviour and sensitivity to ultrasonic frequencies vary.

When To Consult Possum Removal Professionals?

If you already tried several possum-proofing strategies but didn’t get success; or if you're dealing with a recurring possum problem, consider getting help from local professional possum catchers. These professionals can analyse your problem, and suggest personalised solutions. And, if necessary, they also provide humane possum trapping and removal services. You can also get a possum nesting box installation service. Possum catchers are acknowledged with the various factors to control the possums effectively. In this way, they can ensure the safety of your house as well as the possums.


With this knowledge, you can establish a wildlife-friendly environment while protecting your property from possum incursion. Remember to always prioritise humane practices and respect possums' natural habitats. You may enjoy a possum-free home. You can contribute to a happy balance between humans and nature by getting expert help for eco-friendly possum removal.

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